Monday, June 15, 2009

Love Letter

As someone who's been married for only six years, I'm constantly looking to those that have been in the game a little longer for wisdom. I recently had the pleasure of talking to such a woman who shared details a love letter from her husband. As she spoke of the content, I could feel my eyes well up and my heart begin to race.

She didn't call it a love letter. That's my term. The content of her letter didn't include any of the things that we often view as romantic. In fact, it was just a list. There was no "My Darling Jessica" and it's wasn't signed "All my love Joe". It was just a list.

Those of you who know me won't be surprised at all to hear that it was a list of all their personal financial information; where to find things, who to talk to and what to do when he was no longer there. In my opinion Joe's list is a thoughtful and truly loving gesture that says, "I'm thinking of you and I want to take care of you even when I'm not here anymore."

What's more romantic than that?

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