Thursday, June 11, 2009

Find the Money to Make Financial Goals Reality

As I began to deliver a speech to a group of my peers at my 20th college reunion this past weekend, I listed the things that I’d be covering in my presentation.

When I got to number four, “Find the Money to Make Goals Reality”, I heard a faint, “Hope you’ve got a magic trick for that one” from the front row.

I always enjoy audience participation but that comment was a gift (I know you weren't expecting the word gift there). It gave me the opportunity to focus on number four for a while.

My reply went something like this, “We all know that we have limited resources and many of us believe that that we should subtract fixed costs from income to “Find the Money to Make Goals Reality”.

I go a step further. My contention is that nothing is fixed and if your so called fixed costs (mortgage, taxes, high end vehicles etc.) are preventing you from achieving your goals, then you either need to reevaluate your goals or your lifestyle.

People come to America from all over the world. Many of them share housing and live modestly while they save and invest in futures together; in true pioneer fashion.

Many of us that are born here have no sense of the pioneer spirit, couldn’t imagine sharing a living space and are out there all alone trying to make a business a success.

In light of the current economy maybe we she revisit the pioneer spirit that made America ~America.”

That may not have been my most popular response of all time. But as much as I’d like to be popular, that’s not my purpose. My purpose is to educate and be an advocate for financial security.

To that end, I encourage you to spend a few minutes listing your goals and your fixed costs and making sure that they are in sync so that you can create the life you want for yourself and your family.

1 comment:

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